When I was about 13 or 14 and my mom and Tony were still first dating, we would usually meet Tony for Sunday Mass. Without fail, every time we went to church Tony would peer around my mom at Randy, Alyssa and I and proceed to make the craziest faces ever. (I think everyone that knows Tony will know what I'm talking about, that cross-eyed monkey face) Anyways, I would try so hard not to giggle or anything. But my mom would hear those few chuckles that escaped and give me the dirtiest look, saying without words to be quiet and behave in church. Of course, I would try to tell her that Tony was making faces at me and that's why I was laughing. My mom would look at Tony, who would pretend to be totally innocent and wrongfully accused. Finally after a while of this going on, my mom looked at Tony when I laughed and caught him right in the act of making one of those faces at us. It was pretty funny to see him finally get caught.
Some other things that I think of with Tony is :Thunder and Lightning; Tony's 18 inch Pythons! ; Tony who still wont give up his VHS player so he can tape TV shows for Samantha, my mom, and anyone else that asks ; the Bino songs.
Some other things that I think of with Tony is :Thunder and Lightning; Tony's 18 inch Pythons! ; Tony who still wont give up his VHS player so he can tape TV shows for Samantha, my mom, and anyone else that asks ; the Bino songs.
1 comment:
the funniest face tony ever made was "the turtle bob" aka his secret finisher fighting move. I remember my first encounter with this lethal attack which i would fall victim to many a time there after.
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